My Big Sister

There is a Big Brother show again in the UK on Channel 5. Usually, I don’t care about reality shows but this time I know a person who went into the house. The loudmouth Biannca as the Daily Star called her. And she made quite a big scene when she was voted out: she left the house topless!
I was smiling when I read the article about it because it’s really her! She was truly herself on TV, she showed her real face to the cameras. I remember when she first came to the club where I worked in Mayfair, London. Eventually, her name in the club was also London that I found a bit awkward but she always made a joke about it. She came with a very pretty friend of hers and they just started to get familiar with this kind of business. As I mentioned earlier, in London I worked in an old style hostess club (or champagne club if you prefer to call it so) where were no stage shows. Our task was entertaining the customers and selling champagne with clothes on. We had 2 or 3 dancers who made a fully nude strip, but it was no pressure on other girls to do it so. Oh boy, I really miss those times!!! I made money on an easy way having lots of laugh and fun not like now sometimes with so much hustle on.
Biannca’s friend very soon left but she stayed in the club longer. It was about 6 years ago. I also remember her talking about her girl band, modelling and that she wanted to go to the BB already that time. She was always open-minded, straightforward – maybe a little naïve – but definitely not a mishy mashy double-faced Essex girl. I always had a good laugh with her. And day by day she felt more confident in the club, she started to do striptease soon. After our ways were separated, I knew she was dancing in Marbella and she stayed there quite long, but it was never my intention to work there.
And now she made it into the BB house. Even she left after a few days I’m happy for her. And I’m happy that she freely talks about her past being a stripper and webcam girl and she doesn’t care about social stigmas. I know lots of girls – even myself in some situations – that would just zip up the mouth and deny all. But she’s only doing what she always wanted to do: having lots of fun! And not the flashing boobies make others critical and bad-mouthed about her but the way she’s being truly herself.
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Women in the club

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We are more than ‘just’ strippers

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Interview with Amira, the @sacredstripper

I follow Amira's work on Instagram and was very pleased when she said yes for this interview. I like and Read more

The Study of the Hustle

To be honest, I was never a hard hustler. Some men like the straight approach "do you want a dance?" Read more

When money talks

I have a funny story from another day. I know some people just like to be judgemental and I should not be surprised after I’m saying I work as a dancer they give me a bad look. I can not imagine how is in the States as I’ve heard different opinions about it. Some say the dancers are treated as artists or entertainers and they have more respect. But I also heard the opposite. I think it’s just different from person to person. Here in Europe people are more conservative as they say. (Although Europe means 45 different countries and many different cultures.) But for sure I don’t like to speak up and say out loud what is my profession. Just like that day.
I arrived back from Corsica and I went to the local money shop to exchange the money I earned there. I always go to the same place. I know the exchange rates are not the best there, but my bank is on the other side of the road and I don’t like to walk around with lots of cash in my pocket.
This time the young lady behind the desk gave me a little bit of a hard time. She is from the same country as me, but I never saw here in the shop before. I had no proof of address with me and she needed to arrange a couple of phone calls to authorise the exchange. (It happened before but they were more flexible. Brits and their all-the-time afraid of money laundry, eh..)Suddenly she asked me how I got the money… I looked at her and without thinking I just said I’m a dancer. I didn’t need to explain what kind even I was wearing glasses and no makeup. She tried to be professional but her voice changed. From that moment I was just a “dancer” and she was a very important businesswoman behind her desk talking on her phone. She was superior. I found the situation kind of funny and embarrassing at the same time.
Oh well, without the proof of address I couldn’t be successful, but I promised to come back later on the same day. As I did. I went to the same window with the same lady.
“Um, what did you say how long have you worked in France?”
“4 weeks.”
“And this is the salary you’ve got for 4 weeks???”
“No. I spent quite a lot.”
Her jaw dropped. Even I think it was not a big amount of money, it is a normal salary for an average manager position in England. (I guess she was impressed by the amount in Euros and she forgot that it will be less in GBP.) But then she asked me with wondering eyes:
“Can I apply? For this, I work here for 2 months..”
I was smiling. And of course, I was satisfied! From the cold businesswoman, she turned into a nosy, kinky girl and started to ask me more questions about dancing. Luckily there was no queue behind me.
“You know I was just thinking about it these days. I feel lucky. Within a year I worked in 10 countries and 3 of them are overseas.”
“Great! And you got paid for that!!!”
I felt I was the absolute winner of this situation! I left the shop with a smile on my face. And again, I was right! Average people don’t know much details about this job. They are full of judgements, but when they have the opportunity, they have lots of questions. They want to know the dirty details. Here you can read a lot!
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What do you do in private?

“It's called a private dance. So guess what? I'm dancing!” “Ahh! Only dancing?” I hate this question so much! My Read more

Inside of the stripper’s house

Many of you are wondering how and where we live. I hope this little photo selection will satisfy your imagination. Read more

Boring, boring..!

Well, I must suggest that this is the most boring job I’ve ever had. I know that this is the time for football, beers and World Cup for lots of guys (I was no surprised when I read an article about the divorce rate increased 5% in China during these days) Our club is deadly empty. In every place can have 1 or 2 bad days, but nearly 2 weeks? And the World Cup hasn’t been finished yet.

And of course, when it’s less busy, women have more chance to talk about others. Thank God, I don’t speak French so I don’t get involved! But funny at the same time because I understand what they talk about, I just play the stupid that I don’t. So the manager complains about the girls that they don’t work hard enough, the barmaid complains about the manager that she wants her to do everything at the same time, the girls complain about customers that they don’t want to spend money and of course about each other that the apartment is dirty and so on. And me complaining about the whole club here. 🙂 No, it’s not really a truth, I can’t complain because nothing is happening there. It reminds me of when I was working in London during the Olympic Games. Everybody expected to be super busy, but clubs, restaurants, cafes in the centre were not busier than usual. The club I worked was also quiet but there we could use the Internet, read a book (I used that time to study) or sleep. Here it’s not like that. I’m sitting at the bar for hours with a straight back looking at the line of alcohol bottles. Sometimes I move to a different chair for a different view. I never understood why we can’t use our mobile to kill the time when it’s not a single customer there. But at the same time, I can’t say anything because I have a good daily salary so basically I’m making money doing nothing. Oh, and I almost forget! Since I’m here I haven’t performed on stage, not even once in 3 weeks!

And when it’s customers, they are easy. When they buy me a bottle of champagne in the VIP and they don’t speak English I suddenly have better skills than a pantomimic artist and they like it. Or sometimes they don’t want to talk to the girls at all, they only come to see the manager or the boss, but they buy a glass of drink one after another for us too. We just sit there and smile. Easy peasy, isn’t it?

But I must say I met some crazy guys here too. The one who took me for a private dance and only wanted me to sit on his face was the weirdest. I’ve heard about that fetish before but when you meet someone who literally likes it, it’s different. I only could think about what is wrong with this guy? The one who wanted to lick my armpit couldn’t be bothered me so. But what I found strange here, more customer asked me to slap him on the face or beat him up.. more than other countries. So they would be the gangster type guys with a little Italian blood that need a Mamma to punish them when they misbehave? They can not give me answers about why they like it, so I think I need to buy a book about this subject. No problem, I have lots of time to educate myself here!

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Laura’s research into lapdance experienses 1.

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When I’m ashamed being Hungarian

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Andiamo, prego, tutti frutti, macaroni

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Sweet like sugar but not a Sugababe

It’s just another thing I have to tell. Lots of people think we, strippers are super rich! I heard so many times that “you should buy me a drink because you earn more than me!” Dear Gentlemen, I don’t. Those days when the staff of the club swiped the money off from the stage after the dancer’s performance, are over. The world has been gone through some financial crisis, don’t forget. And customers are not that generous anymore. In some clubs, I don’t earn more with dancing than an average waitress in a pub. (Here I don’t want to go deeper again that I’m doing it for the travel experiences not exactly for the money.) But all those girls they make extraordinary money, well, let’s be honest, they do extra. With “clean” work, you can be lucky only sometimes, or keep a good regular customer with intelligent conversations or charm, but that’s it. 
And if you ever wonder what a stripper does with the money? I can’t talk about others, but because I work for tips sometimes, I decided to give out a part of it. I became the sponsor of a 5 years old girl in Myanmar. The money comes easy and goes easy. But if it goes, I like when it goes for a good reason. Of course, I buy shoes and other stuff too, I’m a woman and I need lots of them for work and for the modelling, but I know life is not only about these. And I believe in Karma that what you give, you will get back. It’s still such a cliche that all the strippers spend their money on drugs or they give it to their boyfriends. I worked with lots of girls that spent the money they earned on their education! 
I can’t say I make a fortune with this job. But what I make is mine, I don’t depend on anybody. Of course, I was playing with the thought to find a rich guy and all my money issues would be solved, but I had to realise that I’m not that kind of woman who goes in this kind of relationship easily. I got this offer before. The guy offered me a nice apartment close to his, paying all my bills and £500 cash weekly for being his “girlfriend”. Nice, hm? The golden cage. By the way, I forgot to mention: he was fat, ugly, not so old but he became extremely arrogant when I rejected his offer. Not the type I would do anything with, and nobody can buy me, my love or respect in this way. I would rather earn less but feel free. But I also find it difficult with the guy I like. Or even more difficult. I can not just move into someone’s place with 2 suitcases and say “Here I am!” when I didn’t put a nail into the wall there. I can not feel good there. It feels like I’m only a guest, in long-term I would never be able to feel the place like my home. I would feel he’s the King of his Castle, and there is his territory, his rules, and I’m out of my comfort zone. Probably I’m too independent and just the idea to depend on someone could freeze me totally. I start to believe that I have too much (and unnecessary) pride tough.
I don’t judge the girl who is in a beneficial relationship. Maybe I will try once. But I blame the industry I live and work in. Sometimes these girls are very young and they want to live a certain kind of life without being able to afford it. Some are struggling to pay the rent but they’re saving money for a new Louis Vuitton bag. In a better case, they find someone who would be happy to buy it for them. Therefore they count on these men taking them on expensive holidays and fancy places and the idea of living like a princess becomes reality but only for short period. But what after? For these men there will be always a younger, prettier girl, they can not rely on them for a lifetime. Not anymore. It worked in the last centuries but these days when everything and everybody is replaceable so easily, I don’t trust in these relationships.
Oh well, this is the World we live in nowadays. And this is only my opinion. You can throw a stone at me but I still don’t go into a relationship based only on money. Call me old-fashioned, but – even I worked 6 years in the night – I can say I still believe in LOVE! 
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It's quite funny to see when a woman comes to the club and she tries to outdo the strippers. I Read more

The Study of the Hustle

To be honest, I was never a hard hustler. Some men like the straight approach "do you want a dance?" Read more

The Study of the Hustle (Part 2.)

In the second part of the interview this gorgeous babe, Wendy, is talking about how to gain strength, resilience and Read more

We are more than ‘just’ strippers

I started the blog to tell my own little secrets and experiences about the stripper's life, but I'm more and Read more

Welcome back in London!

Somehow back to London I always feel being lazy. Although I have lots of things to do. It’s more of an administrative break than a real holiday for me as I have to arrange the bank, doctors, payments, bills etc. not to mention to contact agencies (as I work with severe) which is the best place to go next. But besides that I love to take the time to slow down a bit when I’m home, catch up with friends and just simply enjoy life. Right now I’m sitting in a park enjoying this rare, beautiful, sunny days in England with my favourite Starbucks frappuccino. Small things can make me happy though.

This time after Japan I still need time to pull myself together, even I spent 2 weeks thereafter I quit the job. I don’t want to start the next contract being tired of people. It’s never a lucky start. But my next place will be Corsica and I’m pretty sure the sunshine and the sea will cure my little burnout syndromes very fast.

Someone asked me why I don’t work in London. Such a big city with lots of businessmen from all over the world. The question is correct. The answer: because I don’t want to. The system in London strip clubs is different than in the rest of Europe. I’m not telling you big secrets here but elsewhere in Europe, the clubs pay me to fix daily salary plus commission, while here in London the dancers pay to the clubs to work there and it depends on the location and the popularity of the club it can be £60-80 per night. And because the girls pay for the club, they want to make sure that they earn minimum that amounts back, so in some clubs, they are waiting for customers at the front door to jump on them as soon as they enter. I cannot be such a shark! It is just not my work style and this is not a relaxing environment for me.

And this funny story just came into my mind. After I came back from Greece where I worked on the summer, I was looking for some new clubs in London. I wanted to stay for a while. I found one where I started to work but on my first day one of the girls was absolutely fucked up (It was only a Monday night but she was totally drunk.) She was in the middle of the room and suddenly she showed her naked butt to everyone screaming “I’m not wearing any panties!” Such a great expression! Later she followed me to the washroom saying “You have to buy me a drink.”

Why I have to buy you anything?”

Because that’s a rule here, every new girl has to buy me a drink.”

(There was no free drink from the bar to the girls, you can guess why..)


I’m gonna smash your face!” she sounded extremely arrogant.

You know what? Do it!”

She did not expect this answer and I just left her there. I don’t get scared that easy and she was quite drunk for a fight anyway.

Next day she was like nothing happened. But I had a problem with the manager instead. Every girl had to wear a long dress on the floor and I had this beautiful long dress with a high slit on one side. And he was arguing with me that it’s not what he wants to see in his club. Even the house mum tried to convince him that it is okay as it was really a gorgeous dress and it fit me perfectly. But he was kept saying no and I got a little pissed off after the first-day experience.

So just let me make it clear here: if the customer can see my right ankle from the dress, it is a problem. But if I’m drunk and I show my naked ass to everyone, it’s not. Right? WTF?” 

His face went red and only told me “Go, change!”

Of course, I did, and at the same time, I left the club. Next week I was sitting on a plane to Belgium.

So for me, this work and travel combo work out perfectly. It needs more organisation, but for it’s worth the time and effort. And between the contracts, I have enough time to recharge my batteries.

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I follow Amira's work on Instagram and was very pleased when she said yes for this interview. I like and Read more

The Study of the Hustle (Part 2.)

In the second part of the interview this gorgeous babe, Wendy, is talking about how to gain strength, resilience and Read more

The Study of the Hustle

To be honest, I was never a hard hustler. Some men like the straight approach "do you want a dance?" Read more

Women in the club

It's quite funny to see when a woman comes to the club and she tries to outdo the strippers. I Read more