Tag: london
When money talks

Welcome back in London!
Somehow back to London I always feel being lazy. Although I have lots of things to do. It’s more of an administrative break than a real holiday for me as I have to arrange the bank, doctors, payments, bills etc. not to mention to contact agencies (as I work with severe) which is the best place to go next. But besides that I love to take the time to slow down a bit when I’m home, catch up with friends and just simply enjoy life. Right now I’m sitting in a park enjoying this rare, beautiful, sunny days in England with my favourite Starbucks frappuccino. Small things can make me happy though.
This time after Japan I still need time to pull myself together, even I spent 2 weeks thereafter I quit the job. I don’t want to start the next contract being tired of people. It’s never a lucky start. But my next place will be Corsica and I’m pretty sure the sunshine and the sea will cure my little burnout syndromes very fast.
Someone asked me why I don’t work in London. Such a big city with lots of businessmen from all over the world. The question is correct. The answer: because I don’t want to. The system in London strip clubs is different than in the rest of Europe. I’m not telling you big secrets here but elsewhere in Europe, the clubs pay me to fix daily salary plus commission, while here in London the dancers pay to the clubs to work there and it depends on the location and the popularity of the club it can be £60-80 per night. And because the girls pay for the club, they want to make sure that they earn minimum that amounts back, so in some clubs, they are waiting for customers at the front door to jump on them as soon as they enter. I cannot be such a shark! It is just not my work style and this is not a relaxing environment for me.
And this funny story just came into my mind. After I came back from Greece where I worked on the summer, I was looking for some new clubs in London. I wanted to stay for a while. I found one where I started to work but on my first day one of the girls was absolutely fucked up (It was only a Monday night but she was totally drunk.) She was in the middle of the room and suddenly she showed her naked butt to everyone screaming “I’m not wearing any panties!” Such a great expression! Later she followed me to the washroom saying “You have to buy me a drink.”
“Why I have to buy you anything?”
“Because that’s a rule here, every new girl has to buy me a drink.”
(There was no free drink from the bar to the girls, you can guess why..)
“I’m gonna smash your face!” she sounded extremely arrogant.
“You know what? Do it!”
She did not expect this answer and I just left her there. I don’t get scared that easy and she was quite drunk for a fight anyway.
Next day she was like nothing happened. But I had a problem with the manager instead. Every girl had to wear a long dress on the floor and I had this beautiful long dress with a high slit on one side. And he was arguing with me that it’s not what he wants to see in his club. Even the house mum tried to convince him that it is okay as it was really a gorgeous dress and it fit me perfectly. But he was kept saying no and I got a little pissed off after the first-day experience.
“So just let me make it clear here: if the customer can see my right ankle from the dress, it is a problem. But if I’m drunk and I show my naked ass to everyone, it’s not. Right? WTF?”
His face went red and only told me “Go, change!”
Of course, I did, and at the same time, I left the club. Next week I was sitting on a plane to Belgium.
So for me, this work and travel combo work out perfectly. It needs more organisation, but for it’s worth the time and effort. And between the contracts, I have enough time to recharge my batteries.
My Big Dream – Japan
Actually, it’s not only Japan but Japan at the Sakura. When you can see cherry blossoms all over the place! And now I’m just a few days away to reach that dream.
Since I travel and I do this job, that was something I liked about Japanese people and culture. As I worked as a hostess in clubs and all the hostessing kind of jobs related to their geisha culture, I often said if I could go to Japan and work there for a while, it would be a next step on the carrier ladder for me. (If this carrier ladder exists in this kind of job) I even intend to learn their language. To all my French customers, I’m very sorry but I would rather learn Japanese than French! They say it’s very easy to learn. Not to write, but to speak. So why not? I already can count to 10: ichi..ni..san..shi..go..roku..nana..hachi..ku..juu
First, let’s make it clear what I mean working in a hostess club in London. The term needs an explanation as it can be confusing. A few years back when I worked in London there were a few gentleman’s clubs in St. James and Mayfair and there was nothing about striptease. We had a few dancers but it wasn’t the main thing. No escort. If the customer asked about “rooms” I always made a joke with him. “Yes, we have a changing room, smoking room, cloakroom, bathroom, which one you were asking about?” Because these clubs in some countries they are related to prostitution. Here no. I mean not in this way. So here clearly we didn’t have rooms for sex. Our job was selling champagne and entertain the customers on a high level. The atmosphere was more secret, intimate and we had lots of customers that they didn’t want to show up in any strip clubs defending their reputations. Company owners, CEOs, business people from the bank and investing sectors. I remember once we had 2 handsome, tall guys in a suit followed by a short, fat guy wearing a baseball cap and jeans. All the girls wanted to talk to those two, but the short guy chose me. I was sitting opposite the two handsome men and one moment I noticed that one of them has a gun. I don’t know if they were allowed to carry a gun but it became all clear that they were the bodyguards of the fat guy. They didn’t stay long though. So our job was to talk to them, drinking with them, dancing WITH them, escorting them all around the place, pouring their drinks and make sure they having a good time. Even karaoke. Just like a geisha did in the old times of Japan.
That time my English was quite poor but I was a good listener. And I knew how to ask and keep the conversation alive. And quickly learned that people’s favourite subject to talk about themselves. A few very good questions and it seemed I’m talking to that guy hours about how to design steel products! My secret was to listen, to nod and keep asking. And customers liked me for that! And sometimes they left some crazy tips for me. Most of the time they wanted to take me for dinner or shopping in the next days, but I always followed the rules of the club and said no. Yes, at that time I was silly too.
And we usually had a few girls that they went out with customers. Like if I was sitting with a guy who kept bothering me asking to go home with him, I just told him I don’t do such a thing, but I can introduce my friend. And we had champagne at the table, I got the commission and they did the business outside. With those girls, we could work together and we never crossed each other’s line. Or at least it didn’t happen to me. Once I had a young, handsome guy with daddy’s credit card and I really had a crush on him and I asked my manager if I can go with him from work. He was correct and he said if I leave the club early and I go with him, he will put me in the take-out-girls category and it means from now on I agree to go home with customers. I stayed then till the end of my shift but the guy left. Oh, that’s Life I guess.
And we had some fun time there. I remember a group of Latin American guy they were teaching us how to dance salsa or two guys from Alabama or Texas, they wanted to stay after closing because they had a flight in the morning and didn’t want to go home to sleep so we shut the doors and two of us stayed with them. And guess what we did? They were teaching us line dance steps! Have you ever tried when you are fully drunk? Literally, we were rolling over the dance floor by laughing at each other! Or when we dressed up a guy. He came in his office suite and he was already drunk and he ended up wearing my red dress, high heels (no, they weren’t mine as I have such cute little feet), blonde hair extension and bright red lipstick. If I remember well we even painted his nails! Hell yeah, we had some fun time there.
And now I’m just a few steps away to experience Japan! Life is beautiful though! I even try to memorise this Japanese song to sing it in Japanese! Well, I know how to please and impress people.
Wish me good luck then!