The way to a stripper’s heart

“On my journey, I have met lots of different men. Some were saints, others were sinners. If my Prince Charming hasn’t come to me on this road, I decided to set out for him. Somewhere our paths will meet and I will recognise in him the man I was waiting for in my entire life, it doesn’t matter what kind of disguise he wears to hide his true self.”

I wrote in my book if I met the right guy, I would recognise him whatever mask he wears. By the time I finished the book, I met someone special at work. I met him in the period when my book was finished but hadn’t been published yet.

How funny, I didn’t want to approach him at the beginning. He was playing on the slot machine and I didn’t want to disturb him, but my boss poked me:
“Go to him, he’s a good  customer!”

He called me and treated me like a Princess from the beginning. Can you imagine how much the other girls in the club hated me because of that?? (I wonder if he knew about what kind of book I was working on..)
In that shitty club I was working, he made me feel special.

He was not perfect, but I’m not perfect either. We had some fights, especially when I was drunk at work and I was more passionate about everything than usual. But we found compromises in everything that brought problems to the table. Sometimes the situation was a bit overheated but a few days later we were just laughing at it.

When I changed clubs and needed to travel to another city, he offered me his help that he could take me there in his car and I accepted it with no fears.
When one week later he visited me on that new place, I did something I’ve never ever done before: I paid his bill in the club because he didn’t have enough cash. He didn’t ask, I offered.
I sneaked out from work to my room above the club and brought him the money. You see, I’m not your average stripper! Paying the customer’s bill (5 bottles of expensive champagne) sounds pretty crazy, right? But I trusted him from the beginning and he paid back the last penny I gave him.
Maybe he was not my Mr Right, but he treated me in the right way as man never treated me before. It was not about the five-star hotels, but I’m not gonna lie, I loved that luxury. It was about how he opened the door for me in those hotels and how he helped me with the luggage. Or when a drunk guy at work tried to convince me why I needed immediately to have sex with him, he saw the situation, got my hand without a word and escorted me to his table. In that move there was no possession, “this is my girl” or anything, just the well-known old chivalry.

Lots of guys just dream about dating a stripper. Well, if they behave like most of our customers, no wonder why they don’t have a chance. How to put it in the right way: you have 20 balls in front of you, 19 red and only one blue. The blue one will get your attention, simply because it’s different from the others.
I’m a stripper but also a woman. And just because I’m a stripper, I don’t tolerate misbehaved guys, I would rather go for someone who is different, who knows how to treat a woman and make her feel special.


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2 thoughts on “The way to a stripper’s heart”

  1. Thank you for reading my blog! 🙂

    Many guys would love to date a stripper because they think we are easy to get into bed 🙂
    Indeed some of my stripper friends found their partners or even husbands in clubs.

    But I can understand your boyfriend though. If you were already in a relationship with him and then told him you would become a stripper and want to dance front of other men.. well, no wonder if he was disappointed and confused. I'm sure there were lots of questions in his head why he was not enough for you, why do you need other men's attention and it lowered his self-esteem and as a result he reacted badly. In other words it hurt his Ego that you wanted to dance naked for other men.
    All my dates knew about my profession from the beginning, they had a chance to make a decision if they could deal with it or not. In this way I didn't lose their respect because of my job.

    Other people just generally have bad opinion about strippers – and every girl who work in the night – even without knowing them as a person and it's very hard to change it.

  2. Hello. I like your blog and I am reading almost every your post. It is interesting for me and quite excited. One thing make me think. Do you really think lots of guys would like to date a stripper? I had chance to work one of night club for two nights as a hostess (I was just talking with the customers and sometimes dancing) I left this club because I didn't like totally. After, I was thinking to become a stripper but abroad. When I told about my experience with the night club to my boyfriend he called me in ugly way and he was very disappointed. Since this time he isn't really respecting me. There is always something missing in his respect..

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